Your Online Trail Report and Travel Guide for ATVs the U.S. & Canada
Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for ATV the U.S. & Canada

Trail Report: Price County, Wisconsin – December 5, 2017

Trail Conditions: Good

Date of Report: December 5, 2017
Area Report:


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Reports – Trail and Recreation | Price County, WI – Official Website
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Price County Highway routes are closed October 15 to May 15. Municipality (city and town) routes and trails remain open.      


  • Flambeau Trail System (70 miles) ~ OPEN –  

    The gravel pit at Clover Creek on FR 513 is currently active and closed to through traffic. This is a popular connector route for people going from Trail 121 to 101. The mud hole on 118 LN has been drained and filled. As conditions allow, additional work will be done at that segment of trail, but it is now passable without the worry of getting stuck. Beavers have been very active on the Trail 101 and have plugged multiple culverts in the past week. If you notice water flowing across the trail, please contact Brady Howe at the USFS at or 715-762-5104 so the issue can be mitigated. 

  • Solberg Trail (9.5 miles) ~ OPEN – Repairs are being made on the bridges. The trail remains open and can be ridden.      
  • Georgetown Trail (18.8 miles)OPEN – The trail is in good condition. There is a logging operation underway from the Carpenter Creek parking lot and continuing for the first ½ mile of the trail. Riders should slow down and watch for equipment and trucks through this stretch. 
  • Pine Line / Price-Taylor Rail Trail ~ CLOSED – This trail is only open to ATV & UTV use in the winter when the trail is officially open to snowmobile use and only when the temperature is 28 degrees or colder; typically mid-December into March. 
  • Tuscobia  State Trail (64 miles) ~ CLOSED in Price County; Sawyer County CLOSED  – The entire trail is closed from November 15 – December 15 for deer hunting and trapping. From Park Falls west to the Price County line, the trail is closed to ATV use for the 2017 season and will reopen April 16, 2018. 
  • Flambeau River State Forest Trail (38 miles)CLOSED – The trail is closed for the season. It will reopen May 15, 2018.